2025 Loppet Start line. Photo credit: Donna White

2025 Lake Louise to Banff Loppet Results

Thank you!

Posted: January 21, 2025

Event photos (thanks to Chuck O’Callaghan!)

The 2025 Lake Louise to Banff Loppet and Relay was a great success because of YOU! By now, your hip flexors are at peak soreness but hopefully your cheeks have thawed. A massive ‘thank you’ to the over 70 volunteers who made this event happen and our incredible sponsors!

We would like to give a special shout out to Wilson Mountain Sports for their $3,300 donation to Spirit North. Watch the Spirit North highlight video below! And to the standout Loppet donation from Douglas Gray for donating $100 towards a safety blanket, hand warmers and first aid kit (both of which we thankfully didn’t need to use this year!). If you’d like to donate towards course signage or additional first aid kits, please let us know!

If you’d like to volunteer with us next year, please email lltobanff@gmail.com

If you have a bib or a timing chip that mistakenly made its way home with you, please email lltobanff@gmail.com

it’s loppet time!

IMPORTANT: Start time is 10am on Lake Louise (1 hour delay from 9am)

2025 Lake Louise to Banff Loppet Start List

2025 Lake Louise to Banff Loppet Results

Posted: January 18, 2025

It’s here! The weather is calm, the cold is settling in and the trails are ready for action. Below are a few photos to give you an idea of the course.

Important notes:

  • weather forecast is for -16 overnight and -14 at 10am start, high of -13 with a 60% chance of flurries in the morning,clearing near noon.

  • the start on Lake Louise is not groomed. It is about a 200m scramble zone before a sudden bottleneck point near the boat house. Be kind to your neighbours off the start

  • leg 1 skiers and soloists must take their skis off at both upper and lower Lake Louise Drive crossings

  • leg 1 skiers and soloists, please take a look at the turn around point sign in the photo gallery below

  • good news for those with tired legs: Leg 1 is actually only 13.5km! Not 20km…

  • leg 2 skiers and soloists, you can ski on the snow bank on the side of the road when you pop out of Corral Creek. You will have to take your skis off again at Morant’s curve

Have fun and see you for race package pickup at 7:45am. Race meeting is at 9:30am.

Spirit North is a charity that empowers Indigenous youth through sport and play. With your support, the Loppet is proud to have donated over $1,000 to continue their incredible work. Join us at the banquet tomorrow evening to hear Spirit North founder, Olympic gold medalist and incredible human, Beckie Scott, share the story of Spirit North.

48 hours until Loppet day!

IMPORTANT: Start time is 10am on Lake Louise (1 hour delay from 9am)

Posted: January 17, 2025

We've been watching the weather forecast (Env. Canada, Spot.wx and snow-forecast.com) closely. With the forecasted cold weather, we are delaying the start from 9 to 10am to err on the side of caution. Temperatures look cold Saturday overnight (lows hovering between -21 and -25) with daytime highs expected between -14 and -11. Snow conditions look fantastic and the volunteers have been diligently preparing the course for you! We will run the event this Sunday, January 19.

We hope this start time adjustment will keep you and our volunteers safer. Please check in with a friend or teammate to make sure they got the 10am start time memo!

The banquet will still start at 5pm at the Banff Centre. 

A couple of reminders for event day. 


- pickup your race package in the Beehive Room in the conference wing of the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise (far right doors as you approach front entrance, proceed downstairs) 

- race package pickup will be open from 7:45-9:50am. All soloists must pick up their race package. At least one member from each relay team must pick up their race package. 

- pre-race meeting is at 9:30am


- bring your own drink vessel! Cups are no guaranteed at feed stations

- there will be warm beverages and snacks at the LL Campground, Baker Creek, Castle Lookout and Castle Junction. They have a limited amount of cups for emergencies only. 


- review the course maps here and know where your exchange is!

 - for Leg 1, remember there is a tight right hand turn when you come off of the Tramline descent. You will proceed appx 2.5km up the Moraine Lake Road until a turnaround point. Do not go on the Fairview loop. We will have it flagged and volunteers on course, but please familiarize yourself with the course. 

- also for Leg 1, proceed on the flagged lower Tramline route, not the new shortcut route. Parks Canada has been working on a new shortcut section in the event that the fire break impedes the trail. When in doubt, follow the orange flags. 

- time cutoff is 1:45pm (3.75hrs after start) at Baker Creek. If you do not make it to Baker Creek by this time, you will be asked to forfeit your bib and timing chip. You may proceed as a member of the public. 


Tips for cold weather: 

- ensure all clothing (especially boots) are thoroughly dry before starting

- if you do a warmup, change into dry clothing before you start your leg/solo

- wear thin Merino or wool layers close to skin and a thin windbreaker layer on the outside

- keep your core warm to help your extremities 

- don't forget to hydrate and fuel properly (cold suppresses our appetite but your metabolism is working much harder. Keep your internal furnace burning!)

- if you're on the start leg or going solo, consider wearing a thicker vest or more layers. You can label your clothing and ditch a layer at the railway crossing. 

- don't forget your eyeballs! Wear sunglasses and use petroleum jelly and/or physio tape on exposed cheeks

- remove earrings


- The awards banquet is for registered participants and volunteers 

- The banquet is from 5-7pm in the Kinnear Centre at the Banff Centre. You will receive a banquet drink ticket valid for 1x Wild Life Distillery canned cocktail in your race package. 

- Join us for incredible draw prizes, appetizers and drinks 

- This just in: Beckie Scott (Olympic Gold Medalist, founder of Spirit North and overall incredible person) will join us to share stories of how Spirit North is empowering Indigenous youth through sport and play 

Keep your eyes on Loppet.ca for the start list link on Saturday evening. 

1 week until loppet day!

Posted: January 12, 2025

We’re getting close, folks! If you haven’t started training yet, now would be a good time. The snow conditions and creek crossings are shaping up really well. The Loppet volunteers have been very hard at work preparing your course. The “backcountry gardeners” are pruning the course but you can still expect willows poking through in places and gravel that is shot onto the course from passing ploughs. The first 2 photos in the gallery below were taken between Baker Creek and Protection Campground (very different conditions depending on where you are on the course!).

Weather forecast: The weather has been mild so far but is forecasted to take a negative turn this week. The Loppet has a cold weather cutoff of -25 degrees Celcius (same as the Canadian Birkebeiner and other non-FIS races). Environment Canada is currently forecasting an overnight low of -22 (Saturday, Jan18) and a Sunday high of -14C. We will do our best to run the event. Please come prepared with layers (particularly for your face, fingers and toes) and especially for the solo participants and folks doing the starting leg; this is the coldest part of the event. If you plan on shedding a layer during the race (e.g. starting bundled and finishing with less clothing) label your clothing layers and you can leave it at an exchange station to be handed in at the Finish Line.

In the event of a postponed event due to cold temperatures (e.g. if it is colder than -25 at the time of start), we will notify you as soon as possible. We will update this webpage again on Friday as event day approaches and the forecast becomes more accurate. We have a backup date of Sunday, January 26th 2025, however, we will do our best to run the event as it is scheduled.

If you are unable to take the risk with the cold or otherwise unable to race, please email lltobanffloppet@gmail.com as soon as possible.


Posted: January 5, 2025

Happy New Year! With a gift of snow and cold temperatures early in 2025, the creek crossings (Corral Creek, Baker Creek) are beginning to freeze and the snowfall is adding up. The grooming permits for the Loppet course are now in effect. The volunteers and sleds will be out on the course. True to form, the dedicated Loppet volunteers have already stomped, snipped and walked numerous hours of trail preparation work - thank you!!

If you’re headed out to check out the tracks between Morant’s Curve and Castle Junction, please let us know (lltobanffloppet@gmail.com), we may have a volunteer crew you can join to help prepare the trails!

For those unable to make the day, PLEASE LET US KNOW! There is a large (and growing) pool of folks who would love to participate. Let’s make sure every one of the maximum 200 spots we’re allocated from the Parks Canada permit is well used. Cancellations need to be submitted by Sunday, January 12th ($35 refund, shuttle fee is non-refundable). Email lltobanffloppet@gmail.com to cancel you registration.

If you’re in the waiting pool, please be patient. You’ll receive an email either way as to whether or not a spot opened up. Thanks for your understanding of the limitations and priviledge of operating this event in a sensitive National Park area.

Either way, we hope to see you on the trails!

Registration is Full!

Posted: December 30, 2024

We so appreciate everyone’s interest in the little Loppet. We are limited to strict numbers running an event in the beautiful Banff National Park. If you’d like to be added to a waiting pool, please email Heidi at lltobanffloppet@gmail.com. Please let us know if you would like to be added to waiting pool as team or solo.

IMPORTANT: If you are no longer able to participate, please let us know as soon as possible; there are numerous people who would be thrilled to fill your start position. Refunds of $35 are available until Sunday, January 12th, 2025.

Thanks and keep on skiing!

REgistration is (ALMOST) full!

Posted: December 13, 2024

As of December 13th, only 3 spots remain in the limited registration! If you missed the opportunity because, hey, life is busy, please drop us an email at lltobanffloppet@gmail.com and we’ll add you to a waiting pool. No promises, but we’ll do our best to get find you a spot.

!! registration opens december 1, 2024 !!

Start your engines, fire up the furnace and get ready for Loppet 2025 on January 19th!!

Registration opens on Zone4.ca at 8am on Sunday, December 1st

Please help!

Longtime and devoted Loppet Volunteer, Dave ‘Duck’ Millard, is in need of a kidney transplant. Duck works tirelessly to bring the Loppet trails to life with a great sense of humour. Please read below and consider who in your network may line up as a candidate donor. To reach Duck with information regarding a kidney donor, please email duckie1958@icloud.com

Hi. My name is Dave Millard. My friends know me as ‘Duck’ or ‘Duckie’. You have probably seen me riding around the town of Banff on my bicycle, both summer and winter. I’ve been working and volunteering in town for almost 40 years and I need a kidney transplant so I can continue to contribute to the community.

In the 1980s and 90s I was employed as the manager at the Upper Hot Springs and from 1992 to 2019 I worked for Banff National Park as a realty advisor. During this time I have volunteered in many capacities — I cleared the skating area on the Bow River, I was a board member of the Bow Valley Victims Services and I set the track and maintained the trail for the Banff Louise Ski Loppet.

I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). My father died of this disease at the age of 33. I informed my family doctors of my dad’s condition and for years had regular physicals to monitor my health. From blood work indicators, approximately ten years ago my family doctor referred me to a kidney specialist. I was prescribed medication to “control” my condition — not prevent or cure it — as there currently is no cure for PKD.

Over the years my kidney function has slowly deteriorated until, in March of 2024, it had decreased to the point where the process to instigate a kidney transplant was initiated. I want to continue to live a healthy and active life and I need a kidney. Without a kidney transplant I will be on dialysis.

I am 66 years old and lead an active and athletic lifestyle with a carefully monitored diet. My blood type is “B+” and I can accept “B” and “O” blood types.

The best prognosis is for me to have a “Living Donor”.  A close friend of mine offered to be my donor. She has “O” type blood and went thru a barrage of tests to assess if we were compatible. Unfortunately, we were not. Blood type compatibility is only one of many factors.

I have another close friend who has donated one of her kidneys to her sister and both donor and recipient continue to lead active and rewarding lives post-transplant.

Eventually, if I do not find a “Living Donor”, I will be required to go onto hemodialysis, which will necessitate regular trips into Calgary perhaps three times a week. Fluid intake and diet would be restricted and it would be difficult to live an active life and contribute to the community as I have. My goal is to prevent this and have a successful kidney transplant from a living donor.

I encourage everyone to be a Living Donor. As a donor, you will be provided with all the medical care necessary, and the doctors at the transplant clinic will answer all the questions you have about the procedure and any risks. Your life style will not change dramatically and you’ll help out others in need. If my dedicated donor is not compatible with me they may be compatible with someone else in need of a kidney.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me or the Living Organ Donor Program thru Alberta Health Services at 403-944-4635. Just leave your name and phone number and state that you would like to donate to Dave Millard of Banff. They will return your call.

I am grateful to my medical team and Gourlay’s Pharmacy who keep me on track with my medications, to my friends who treat me with no pity (I don’t want pity, I want a kidney), to Marg who stepped up to offer me her kidney, to another Marg who was a donor and provides me with advice and to my partner Carmen who I love and could not do it without.

Mark your calendar

We are in the process of applying for permits with Parks Canada. In the meantime, pencil in Sunday, January 19th, 2025 (backup Sunday, January 26th, 2025) for the 46th Lake Louise to Banff Loppet and Relay. Registration is pending to open December 1, 2024 at 0800h on Zone4.ca. Registration for shuttle (Banff to Lake Louise, $30 one way) will also be included in the Zone4 registration.

Stay tuned here for more details.

Questions can be directed to Heidi Widmer at lltobanffloppet@gmail.com (no longer info@loppet.ca).

Startline of Lake Louise to Banff Loppet and Relay, January 20, 2024 (Photo: Chuck O’Callaghan)


Relishing in the post-Loppet bliss, we want to extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to each participant, volunteer and event sponsors!

Read through the list and reciprocate the sponsors by supporting local businesses.

Event Sponsors

Mark your calendars: December 1, 2024 (Registration opens on Zone4.ca) and Sunday, January 19th, 2025 (Loppet event day)

Until next year,

Heidi and the Loppeteers

Skiers over Morant’s Curve (original acrylic on wood panel) by artist Jenia Tishkina-Norman

Spirit North skier previewing the Loppet course on the Telemark trail!

Loppet Time!

A few course updates and photos below


  • double set track, not a mass start grid. Intentionally set so skiers are spread out before going onto a narrow Telemark trail

leg 1

  • skier set and machine packed means that the trail is soft in sections and not pristine! Use caution. Please pass only in straight sections. Follow orange flagging and flags

Leg 2

  • Skiers will be on a snow bank on the side of the road, then without skis over Morant’s Curve

Leg 3 & 4

  • Prepare to ski on a trail that is machine packed and skier set

It Takes a Village to Raise a Loppet

L to R: Loppet volunteers Michael Smythe, Dave Millard, Graham MacDonald and Tim Latter

January 18, 2024

The volunteer trail grooming crew have been hard at work getting the tracks set for you in true semi-wilderness Loppet style. See course updates below. The snow is here and conditions look great! Behind the scenes, other Loppet volunteers are collecting great draw prizes, packaging race bibs and sourcing food for the banquet!

Click here to find out who is participating


If you are unable to participate this year, we are sad to miss you! Consider leaving your registration as a donation to the Loppet. If not, we will refund $60. You must let us know by 8pm this evening (January 18th, 2024). Email Heidi Widmer info@loppet.ca


BYO Cup! To reduce our waste, there will be no disposable cups provided at check points!

Please ski with your collapsible souvenir cup provided on race day.

Additional course information and banquet details below.

Final Countdown!

January 17, 2024

The temperatures are warming up just in time for a great race weekend. A skiff of snow on the Parkway and Lake Louise trails today. Long term forecast predicts -14 at 9am on race morning, daily high of -8 and partly cloudy.

Race package

Race package pickup is 7am-8:20am in the Beehive/Lakeshore room on the Lower Level of the Mount Temple Wing at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. Thank you to the Chateau for providing this complimentary room! No skis in the building, please. One team member and the starter relay member need to be at package pickup to distribute the bibs to their team. Pre-race briefing is at 8:30am

Course Notes

Notes for Leg 1 (the first 20km) Lake Louise to Lake Louise Campground

  • the first climb onto Telemark trail is STEEP followed by a STEEP descent down the other side. It will be important to remain calm and give your neighbours space when navigating off of a mass start.

  • once you descend off of the Telemark trail, you take a tight left hand turn onto the 1A Great Divide Trail. Be aware! There may be dog sledders approaching; the dogsleds have right of way. There will be volunteers stationed here.

  • The turn around point is 3km from the Telemark trail and 1A Great Divide intersection. The turnaround point will be marked with orange flagging. Photo of the turnaround will be uploaded Friday afternoon. There will NOT be a volunteer here so pay attention to where the turn around is.

  • After the 180 turnaround, you ski to the 1A Great Divide Parking Lot. There will be a feed station here. This is approximately 10km from the start. You then take your skis off and proceed to the Lake Louise Creek trail (700m decent). There will be volunteers here helping you find your way. Use caution when descending! This trail (and all) remain open to the public; there may be snowshoers on the trail. Check your speed as there is a fun left hand turn at the bottom of the hill that links onto the Tramline.

Notes for Leg 2 from Lake Louise Campground to Baker Creek (10km)

  • expect to run up and over Morant’s curve along the road (about 1km)

  • the sleds were able to groom along the Bow Valley Parkway near Corral Creek. You will be skiing on top of a snow ditch. Last year, some skiers chose to run this section but it can be long (about 1.5km)


This year, we are pleased to provide collapsible cups from Hydaway. Please carry one with you as you ski! NO cups provided at checkpoints.

awards Banquet

Doors open at 5pm at the Banff Centre in the Cenovus Hall (Kinnear Centre). You may park for free at the Professional Development Centre parking lot). Your registration includes a tasty Wild Life Distillery canned cocktail!! Great draw prizes as always from this incredible community. Light snacks provided and we recommend making a reservation at the MacLab Bistro following the awards. We should be wrapped up by 7pm. Showers and hot tubs are available at the Sally Borden for $17 with proof of online Loppet registration.

Questions? Reach out to Heidi at info@loppet.ca or read through this page: https://www.loppet.ca/raceinfo

Less than 1 week!

January 14, 2024

With less than one week until Loppet day, we are thrilled that the long term forecast looks better than the current temperatures. As of time of writing, the Loppet plans to proceed as scheduled on Saturday, January 20th. The race temperature cutoff is -22C as of start time on race day (09h00 on Jan20th). The forecast we refer to is here: spotwx.com. The forecast is calling for -15C at 08h00 on Jan20th.

CANCELLATIONS! If you are cancelling or unable to make the event, please email info@loppet.ca. We offer $60 refund but need to know as soon as possible.

GROOMING! The trail crew volunteers have been hard at work. Track setting east of Morant’s curve is almost complete and we are confident it will be ready by Friday, Jan19th. The track setting around the Chateau Lake Louise is not yet complete. We have encountered issues with the trail maintenance here. We are working with Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and Parks Canada to find a solution. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, stay warm and start your taper ;)

Intersection of the Telemark Trail onto the 1A Great Divide. Skiers will descend from the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise (the un-groomed section in the photo) and take a hard left towards the provincial border (approximately 5km) before returning back the same direction.

December 27, 2023

As we count down the last days of 2023 we ramp up the Loppet excitement! The snow conditions are the hardest to plan for and we’re happy they’re shaping up nicely. The photo above is the intersection from the Telemark trail on the 1A Great Divide where skiers will descend and take a hard left hand turn and ski towards the AB/BC border before returning back the same way. The exact turn around point on this leg will be well marked and about 5km from the intersection. Trail maintenance has begun on the Castle Junction section of the course.


We are pleased to announce that the Banff Centre is again a community sponsor. We invite all participants and volunteers to join us at 5pm for the Awards Banquet. Each entry and volunteer also receives a free drink ticket for a delicious beverage (i.e. hydration) from local craft distillery Wild Life Distillery. Check out their tasting room in Canmore for a post-race cocktail and pickup a coveted Single Malt Whisky while you’re at it…!!

Showering at Sally Borden is $16.80, you must show proof of Zone4.ca registration.

Race emails won’t be checked until yours truly returns from vacation in Portugal on January 12, 2024. In the meantime, happy trails and dance for snow! —Heidi Widmer

December 1, 2023

Hello! Welcome snow! We are pleased to launch the 2024 Lake Louise to Banff Loppet and Relay. Please review the course in the link above and register as solo or a team!

November 25, 2023

Good news! Parks Canada is on board with a course adjustment. Instead of pushing the course further east past the Castle Junction to finish either at the Johnston Canyon or Sawback Day Use area, the course will use portions of the 1A Great Divide. Total Loppet distance is 46km.

October 23, 2023

Well, if it isn’t the white weather telling us what’s coming. -4 in the Bow Valley this morning with snow in the forecast means we’re looking forward to another Loppet event. The event planning is underway alongside all of the relevant sponsor, volunteer and stakeholder engagement conversations. In the meantime…..

mark your calendar: saturday, january 20, 2024

(pending approval from parks canada)

2023 event results

January 22, 2023

Where do we even begin? 

Thanks to the weather!! 

Thank you to the day-of event sponsors (Save-On Foods for bars/bananas, Evelyn’s Coffee Bar for the delicious cookies!! JK Bakery (cups!) Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, The Banff CentreWild Life DistilleryTicino Swiss-Italian restaurant for the awesome banquet food/drink). And the MANY sponsors for the wicked draw prizes!!

Thank you to over 56 volunteers who groomed the course, woke up early to plug in timing devices, delivered treats, wrote down numbers and picked up flagging. 

And THANKS TO YOU!! For dressing up and showing up. Some of you may have met your limit by getting to the start line and others by pushing yourself to the finish line. Well done!! 

Results (unofficial): https://zone4.ca/event/2023/3D4E8FE6/

Photos thanks to the dedicated Chuck O’Callaghan!: https://skierroger.ca/index.php?content=showski&id=1669&rownum=1478

Stay tuned to Loppet.ca for next year. If you are interested in volunteering in a larger role, please be in touch (i.e. I need a volunteer coordinator). If you are interested in a Loppet sponsorship opportunity (i.e. we need new signage, reusable race bibs (logo opportunity here) and a sponsor to offer or subsidize accommodation/transportation for Spirit North youth participants to join in 2024), let Heidi know at info@loppet.ca

January 21, 2023

Course updates:

  • Leg 1 exchange is on the Lake Louise campground side of the train tracks; not on the highway side

  • At Morant’s curve, racers must run/walk a long stretch (longer than other years) so just keep going until you see the orange flags!

  • The stretch from Castle Lookout to Castle Junction (Leg 4) contains wilderness skiing! Expect to run over willows and through alders. Please be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS and SLOW DOWN on the signed downhill sections.

START LIST: https://zone4.ca/race/2023-01-16/8ca1ace8/startlist

January 19, 2023 (2 days to go!)

The course is groomed and ready for action! There are fast, icy sections so please keep that in mind while you go around narrow corners.

  • ATTENTION the final stretch (Castle Lookout to Castle Junction) of the course goes down a fast, narrow section through tight trees. This year, the icy snow is very fast. SLOW DOWN AND LEAVE SPACE!! We have chopped out the track (thanks volunteers) but your cooperation is appreciated here to avoid any collisions.

  • Weather looks like a high of -2 with a slight chance of precipitation.

  • Showers are available for a $20 drop-in fee at the Banff Centre

  • All volunteers and race registrants are invited to the banquet; plus ones and your neighbours lovely cousin are asked to please volunteer next year. You must be present to win draw prizes!!

  • Any additional questions would first be researched here: loppet.ca/raceinfo before contacting info@loppet.ca

Take care and see you Saturday!

January 14, 2023 (one week to go!)

important: course update for all!

2023 Lake Louise to(wards) Banff Loppet finish line is at Castle Junction (not Sawback Day Use).

Due to warm weather, lack of snow and an increased demand on a limited volunteer grooming crew, the course is shortened from 52km to 36km. There will still be 4 legs for the relay skiers; see below. The volunteers are hard at work preparing the track and the snow coverage is good west of Castle Junction! We feel confident this will still be an outstanding event and hey, some of you might even consider the shorter course a relief.

Important: Course update for Relay Racers

Leg 1: Start on Lake Louise, finish on north side (across) the Lake Louise level rail crossing (~10km). Said otherwise, you need to cross the railway tracks to get to the exchange zone (if applicable).

Leg 2: Start at Lake Louise level rail crossing, finish at Baker Creek Trailhead (~10km) (see map below). Access to the Lake Louise rail crossing can be done by vehicle through the Lake Louise Campground. There will be small Loppet signs and volunteers to help you find parking; park along roadway in Lake Louise campground.

Leg 3: Baker Creek Trailhead to Castle Lookout (9.7km)

Leg 4: Castle Lookout to Castle Junction (~6km)

We are still welcoming volunteers, so please refer your friends and questions to: info@loppet.ca

Looking forward to a great event and tropical costumes! Happy trails and see you next weekend!

January 9, 2023

Good news and bad news

Good news: REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN! (Registration now closed)

Bad news: It hasn’t snowed in over 3 weeks in the Rockies.

Good (great) news: Norseman Outdoor Specialists will setup a tent at the Boat House on Lake Louise for FREE WAXING on race morning!!

More good news: the banquet will return to the Banff Centre for 5:00pm-7pm(ish) on race day (January 21st). The Banquet will be in the Husky Great Hall (room 103 and 105) of the Kinnear Centre. We recommend parking at the Professional Development Centre parking lot (parking is limited to 2hrs in front of the Sally Borden building).

More more good news: we are looking forward to offering GREAT draw prizes from the Chateau Lake Louise, Icebreaker, Wilson’s Sports and more!

If you or your friend are interested in a good time and would like to volunteer on January 21st, we are still looking for volunteers to help shovel and hand out food/drink. Please email info@loppet.ca for more info! All volunteers receive a pair of custom socks from Friday Sock Co. out of Calgary, entry into the great draw prizes and are encouraged to join us for the banquet at the Banff Centre.

Photos L to R: Volunteer evidence of building up ramps for sleds to pass through (Lake Louise campground). A ‘snowier’ section of trail and volunteers packing down with snowshoes (between Lake Louise campground and Morant’s curve). January 8 cougar track found on Tramline trail in Lake Louise.

January 2, 2023


Happy new year! We hope you and your loved ones are healthy and primed for a great year. The volunteer grooming staff are beginning to map out this year’s route. Aside from a small section groomed around Baker Creek by their staff, no sleds or grooming has taken place on the course beyond the Lake Louise town area maintained by Parks Canada. As is the case every year, nature dictates the course. Navigating snow pack and water bodies to create a passable trail in an approved area is easier said than done! Check here for grooming updates and banquet info as it becomes available. Meanwhile, check Banff XC trail conditions here. Happy trails!

November 30, 2022

registration opens december 1st, 2022 (tomorrow!)

click here to register

Tell your friends!

Event date is Saturday, January 21st, 2023

November 26, 2022



Wahoo! After a long hiatus, we’re back to in-person Loppeting. Start time is 0900h on Saturday, January 21st, 2023 on Lake Louise (backup date of Jan.28th in the case of inclement conditions). Registration will open on Zone4 on Thursday, December 1st.

Stay tuned to this page for the Zone4 registration link.

Despite our best efforts, there will be no virtual challenge option. The course will be prepared from Lake Louise to Sawback Day Use (52km course). As it was pre-pandemic, there is an option to participate as a team of 2-4 skiers or as a soloist. The banquet will also return! To be confirmed, but we are in conversation with the Banff Park Lodge to host you after your xc efforts for appetizers, beverages, draw prizes and awards.

Thank you for your patience as we finalize details on this 100% locally volunteer-run event.

October 22, 2022

Pencil this date in your calendar: January 21st, 2023

We are in conversation with Parks Canada and leaseholders in the area to bring the Lake Louise to Banff Loppet to host an in-person event with an option for a virtual event. We are rallying the volunteer forces and snowy skies on behalf of great humans on skinny skis. Stay tuned to this page as these conversations proceed.

February 5, 2022

2022 Loppet results can be viewed here

Thank you again to all participants and volunteers for bringing another edition of the Lake Louise to Banff Loppet to life!

All draw prize and category winners have been contacted.

The souvenir Loppetea blend from the Banff Tea Co. is still available for pickup at Wild Life Distillery in Canmore.

We’re happy to announce the Go Big or Go Gnomes as this year’s costume category winners. BIG UPS to all for dressing up, showing up and getting down with the Loppet. We hope to see many more costume folks on the trails in the years to come.

Stay tuned for Loppet 2023! Registration opens on Zone4.ca on December 1, 2022.

February 1, 2022

virtual challenge is closed. Upload times here

Descending the Tram Line. January 23rd, 2022

Would we love to share Loppet stories with you in-person? Absolutely. Are we glad to know you were out enjoying the Loppet trails? You bet. Do we wish there weren’t fat bikers and hikers on some of the trails, missing flags and less snowmobile mechanical issues? Sure. Any way you slice it, the Loppet (and pandemic) demand our patience and require us to adjust to the ongoing adversity. Thank YOU!!! For showing up in any weather, wax and state of mind to keep Loppet tradition alive. The Loppet is a skiing event but it is ultimately the place and community of people that give it spirit.

Shout out to the crews of Baker Creek Chalets and Castle Mountain Chalets for their ongoing support of this event! If you’re looking to get out of town, visitors and Bow Valley locals alike are strongly encouraged to prolong your Loppet experience and enjoy the calm atmosphere these accommodations provide. Thank you as well to Parks Canada and the Fairmont Chateau grooming staff who keep the Lake Louise, Tramline and Bow River Loop trails in great condition!

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, THANK YOU to the volunteers for stomping, tromping, packing and setting the course this year and seasons prior. We hope there were a few laughs out there!

If you haven’t done so already, please upload your times here. If you need your name, category or time adjusted, please email info@loppet.ca with the correct information. You have until Thursday, February 3rd to upload results, after which we will email category winners directly for awards. Draw prize items will also be drawn this week and winners will be contacted by email! New addition: Jacek truffles are a draw prize item generously donated by Stonewaters in Canmore! Thank you to the support and donations from Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Wild Life Distillery and Ticino Swiss-Italian Restaurant! Insider tip: you can enjoy the smooth-sipping Fairview gin co-designed with Wild Life Distillery at the Fairview bar at the Chateau Lake Louise and signature Wild Life G&Ts at Ticino restaurant! Also, thank you to the Banff Tea Co. for working with us to design a delicious tea souvenir! If you haven’t done so already, your Loppetea is available for pickup at Wild Life Distillery in Canmore until February 21st.

We look forward to seeing you next year! In the meantime, happy trails… 2023 registration will go live on December 1, 2022.

Category leaders as of February 1, 2022

-total 200 participants; 100 male, 100 female-

9.7km Baker Creek to Castle Lookout (9 finishers)

Ken Johnson 52:34.1

20.3km Lake Louise to Baker Creek (19 finishers)

Marie-Ève Bilodeau-Corriveau 1:40:15.0

36km Lake Louise to Castle Junction (54 finishers)

Robert Holmes 2:23:54.0

72km Solo Corona Challenge (22 finishers)

Erik Carleton 5:22:56.0

36k Team (4 finishers)

Judy and Mike Buchanan-Mappin 2:27:46.0

72k Team (1 finisher)

4Kat - 4:15:15.0

January 25, 2022

Hello! This is the internet reminding you that there is still time this weekend to enjoy or re-enjoy the Loppet trails and enter for a chance to win prizes from the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Wild Life Distillery and Ticino Restaurant! If you’ve already experienced the Loppet trail magic, share with a friend! There is only so much smiling one person can do without sharing with another.

Course Update

As can be an issue with having a course - a long one at that - open for an extended period of time, is that the track deteriorates and course markings go missing. As brought to our attention from a couple different sources, the flagging in the Lake Louise campground is missing. The track is also seeing the effects of numerous skinny skis and in a ‘squirrlier’ condition than previous but minimal new snow has fall. A written description through the campground is such: after following the Bow River trail and crossing two bridges, you reach the east banks of the Bow River. If you head away from the direction of the Chateau/Tramline/Bow River Loop, after a short but steep pitch (directly after the 2nd bridge) you are in the Lake Louise Campground. Take your first left and then you next right hand turn. Continue straight. Ultimately, you’re heading towards the level rail crossing and after which the trail is much easier to follow. A submitted map below shows a red arrow where to turn; the extended blue line route into Lake Louise is NOT the right route. We apologize for any scenic detours this may have caused participants!

Note: if you have mis-entered any information on Zone4, fear not! Simply email info@loppet.ca with your corrections.

Map of the Bow River Loop trail and Lake Louise Campground. Flags have gone missing. Turn right at the red arrow to remain on course.

Part of the Loppet tradition is connecting people to places. Thank you to long-time Loppeter, Karen Messenger, for carrying her connection with people and place with her as she completed this year’s course. Karen skied the Loppet with a teddy bear, "Winter Bear", in honour of her late friend Anna Dahonick. Karen carried Winter Bear with her throughout the 72km Corona Challenge ski and took some time to reminisce about the happy memories and the beautiful times she and Anna shared. Here’s a poem Karen also wanted to share with fellow Loppeters who may or may not have skied with similar thoughts :)

Tribute to Anna

-Karen Messenger-

It’s an adventure like no other,

Skiing on snow as soft as butter!

Ski it alone or with a friend,

Enjoy the journey from end to end… to end!


With each stride, kick-double pole and glide,

I had my teddy by my side.

In honour of Anna Dahonick, a dear friend,

I skied with a smile right to the end.


Throughout the 72km trip through mountains and trees,

I had time to reminisce about my favourite memories.

A defender of wildlife and a friend to all,

Anna would have been right there with me, having a ball!


Life’s very short - it’s plain to see,

And there are many things that will remain a mystery,

But it became clear to me on this beautiful ski,

To cherish each and every happy memory.


Everyone has a gift and knowledge to share,

And it’s up to us to be aware,

Be ready to soak it all in everyday,

And pass it along in the kindest way.


A great interpreter was Anna, and so thoughtful and kind,

She protected the wildlife, and with her strong body and mind,

And her patience and smile, along with her humble grace,

She made the world a much better place.


We’ll all miss you Anna, and think of you and your smile,

Especially when the going gets tough mile after mile,

I wish I could give you a great big bear hug to you,

Sending love to you in heaven, from all of the crew.

January 24, 2022

The first week of the 2022 Lake Louise to Banff Virtual Challenge is complete and one week to go! For those who were able to join us this weekend, thank you! You make the Loppet what it is. The Loppet trail felt the love of many gliding skis and happy faces. The Loppet weekend crowd consisted of first-timers (bravo for your bravery!), Loppet veterans, Paralympians, Olympians, mothers, fathers, endurance junkies, gnomes, denim jackets and even some Wild Life Distillery gin! Currently, 82 participants have uploaded their times of a total of 174 registrants.

If you haven’t done so already, upload your time here. Share the stoke with a friend and have them register here or head out to enjoy the course again. Also, your Loppetea souvenir is available at the Castle Mountain Chalets Corner Store until Jan31 or at Wild Life Distillery for longer in Canmore. Sunday photos from Chuck O’Callaghan here!

The Challenge remains open until next Sunday (January 30th).

Category leaders as of Jan.24

9.7km Baker Creek to Castle Lookout (4 finishers)

Ken Johnson 52:34.1

20.3km Lake Louise to Baker Creek (7 finishers)

Allison Fisher 2:05:31.0

36km Lake Louise to Castle Junction (24 finishers)

John Groeneveld 2:33:02.0

72km Solo Corona Challenge (39 finishers)

Erik Carleton 5:22:00.0

36k Team

John Clark 2:59:18.0

72k team 4Kat - 4:15:00.0

If you’ve mis-uploaded a time or category to Zone4, no worries - you’re not alone. Send an email to info@loppet.ca (if you haven’t done so already). We will update these in the coming days - you can bask in the victory seat in the mean time.

Course Update

Parks Canada and Chateau Lake Louise staff will continue their regular grooming schedule which entails the Chateau LL to LL Campground section. The Loppet staff are likely NOT heading out to groom this week as the skier-set track is holding up well. The section from LL to Baker Creek is ‘squirrely’; the track is well-worn and wonky, the skiing is slow-going but supportive underfoot. The Baker Creek sled is currently down. The Castle Mountain Chalets will continue grooming as their staff resources allow. Considering this, plan your ski before any forecasted snow if possible! Course photos from the weekend.

Draw Prize Updates

An anonymous donor donated a Ticino Swiss-Italian restaurant $100 Gift Certificate and Ticino staff matched it and included a bottle of wine (from Laughing Stock vineyards) as a draw prize! Also!! Prize packs from Wild Life Distllery (gin, vodka, cocktail syrups and glassware) are up for grabs!! These wicked prizes join the overnight stay at the Chateau Lake Louise and the Corona Cervezas for the Corona Kings and Queens.

As always, THANK YOU to the grooming staff and volunteers for making this happen.

But most of all, to Mother Nature who reminds us of this incredible life journey.

Overheard on the trails: “Wow, nature and salt. I couldn’t survive without either” and “COVID? I don’t even know that word out here”.

January 21, 2022

The tramline, Bow River Loop trail to Lake Louise Campground is groomed and trackset; Lake Louise Campground to Baker Creek is skier set (not machine trackset, but firm) and in good condition (see photos below). Baker Creek to Castle Junction is groomed and trackset.

Thank you to the dedicated volunteer grooming crew as well as the Castle Junction crew for extending their grooming from Castle Junction to connect to Baker Creek; they’ve got us to the start line - now it’s our turn to get to the finish line! Just keep following the orange flags ;)

See you on the trails!

January 21, 2022

The short of it: stay tuned here for more grooming updates coming this evening!

The long of it: With more new snow falling on Tuesday (the 18th; 10-15cms depending on where you are on the course) and more falling overnight Thursday, there is no shortage of downed trees and grooming to be done. Volunteer sleds are headed out today to attempt the Lake Louise Campground to Morant’s Curve. The stretch of trail from Lake Louise Campground to Baker Creek will remain as a sled-packed trail; an educated guess on this distance is about 11km of packed but not groomed trail (about 1km from LL Campground to the TransCanada underpass, 3.1km from TC to Morant’s curve and about 7km from Morant’s to Baker Creek). With the sled at Baker Creek Chalets needing repair, we are down another sled. However, if there’s one thing this pandemic is teaching us is how to make one plan, change it 5 times and still have something work out in the end! Stay tuned here for an update this evening as to whether the time and resources of Castle Junction Chalet staff allow for an extension of grooming from Castle Junction to Baker Creek. If not, trust that enough people will be out in the mean time to pack in the existing beautiful track! Thanks to Castle Junction staff for clearing the heavy downed trees from last week’s storm.

Those of you who were out on the course during the week - good on you! As of yesterday, the Bow Valley Parkway has been plowed, however, the Castle Lookout and Baker Creek parking lots remain snowy so be mindful of your parking spot…!

We can’t say it enough: it takes a village to raise a Loppet. THANK YOU to the combined efforts of Parks Canada, Chateau Lake Louise, Baker Creek Chalets, Castle Junction and the Loppet volunteers who pack and groom to get this Loppet from Lake Louise to(wards) Banff ;).

The text and photos from SkierRoger.ca here offer good insight into the course this week.

Photo: Chuck O’Callaghan from SkierRoger.ca Skiers have the choice to ski on the snow bank, on the side of the road or walk over Morant’s Curve. Chuck choosing to take the high road!

January 17, 2022 - Virtual Challenge is now OPEN!

The start line for the 20, 36 and 72km distances marked by orange flags on Lake Louise near the boat house. Course is now open and marked with the same flags throughout. Best of luck on your Loppet adventure!


Courses are prepared until Castle Junction (NOT Johnston Canyon Parking Lot).

Also, sled-packed trail only from LL Campground to Baker Creek

Upload your name, time and photo (optional) here

It takes an entire village to raise a Loppet. THANK YOU to the back-breaking hard work of the grooming and pruning volunteers. Many of these incredible folks have prepared the Loppet course for years if not decades and we would not be able to ski without their efforts tromping trails on snowshoes, pruning willows and patience on a skidoo. Between an out-of-commission sled, backordered service parts, staff shortages at supporting businesses of the Loppet due to COVID-19, a cold snap followed by a Chinook phase, we needed to shorten the course to accommodate for the adversity. Good news for those looking to turn it in early and a bummer for others who wanted to push that extra bit. This change in finish line means the soloist/team distances change from 45 and 90km to 36km (LL to Castle Junction) and 72km (return).

There is an xc track set from the Lake Louise (start line marked with orange flags. See attached photo), along the Tramline and Bow River Loop but ends in the Lake Louise Campground; the trail continues from LL Campground, under the Trans Canada and connects to Baker Creek Chalets as a sled-packed trail. If you have them available, we recommend a wider pole basket and a good sense of adventure as this trail requires more attention than skiing in the track. We’ve done our best to flag the course with orange flags, but they are subject to being covered with snowfall and occasionally carried away by the wind; please review the course maps and reach out at info@loppet.ca if you have any questions!

We will do our best to clear the flags to be visible for the 2-week duration but appreciate it if you let us know if there are any confusing bits on the course or places where we could mark it or prepare the track differently. Again, contact Heidi at info@loppet.ca if you have any questions or concerns.

Other updates:

If you’d like to ski with competition/company, you’re welcome to join on Sunday, January 23rd at 0900h on the Lake Louise startline where there will be an informal start. Please wear a face covering and keep 2m distance between people until you are on-course. If more than 20 people are present, Heidi will organize wave-starts at 5min intervals until everyone is on course.

Your 2022 Loppetea souvenir from the Banff Tea Co. item is available for pickup at Castle Junction corner store (simply say that you completed the Loppet at the till) OR at Wild Life Distillery in Canmore.

Good news! The Fairmont Chateau donated an overnight stay at the Chateau for 2! More good news! Wild Life Distillery has also donated two prize packs filled with their award-winning vodka, gin and cocktail syrup products. Thank you to the Fairmont Chateau and Wild Life Distillery!! This overnight delight and craft spirit prize will be added as a draw prize item to be drawn on January 30th for all registrants once registration closes.


You will be travelling through an important wildlife corridor as well as navigating a pandemic. The Loppet accommodates to the wildlife and not the other way around... While out skiing, please carry bear spray with you if you’re solo or have one accessible if you’re skiing in a group. If you encounter sensitive wildlife as considered by Parks Canada (grizzly bear, black bear, wolf, cougar, lynx, wolverine, any animal with young), keep a distance of at least 100m; if you encounter other wildlife such as elk, deer, sheep, moose and goats, remain at least 30 meters away at all times. Please report any wildlife-related concerns, please describe the scenario (species, direction of travel, activity etc.) and report to Banff Parks Canada Dispatch: Ph#: 403-762-1470

If you are carpooling to and from the event, to minimize the potential for contracting or spreading COVID-19 and related illnesses, please travel within your family or close-contact cohort as recommended by Alberta Health Services. If you cannot clear this COVID-19 checklist stay home and participate at another time. There are public washrooms at the Chateau Lake Louise parking lot. Mask up and support the businesses that help support the Loppet along the way at the Fairmont Chateau, Baker Creek Chalets corner store and/or the Castle Junction Corner Store. These businesses boast tasty local snacks to fuel your adventure!

Don’t forget! Submit your team costume photo to info@loppet.ca by January 30th to be entered into the Costume Category … it remains to be seen if the the 2021 Queen of Hearts winner will need to pass on her crown!

The 10-day forecast shows a return of pleasant below zero temperatures and slight precipitation; a perfect setting for a long ski!

Proof is in the photos below of the Loppet worker ants coming out of the woodwork to prepare the course.

January 10, 2022

As of today, there is a packed (not groomed) trail from Castle Lookout to Johnston Canyon Campground (the 2022 Finish Line). We are optimistic that we will receive final permitting and a clear weather window to start connecting pieces of the beloved Loppet route this week! Baker Creek to Castle Lookout is a mix of groomed and skier-set trails and with good snow coverage.

A huge ‘THANK YOU’ and virtual hug to all of the dedicated volunteers who have tromped, packed and skied in the trail thus far.

If you haven’t done so already, register here to receive the Loppetea souvenir and for a chance as a category or draw prize winner of a tea mug from the talented Lesley Farrar. Our sincere 'thanks' goes out to Lesley for her creativity, generosity and talent!

Stay tuned to this page for more trail and event updates.

All participants receive a Loppetea blend from the Banff Tea Co.. Category winners will receive a Loppet tea mug and all registrants are entered to win a mug.

February 2, 2021

Dear 2021 Virtual Challenge Loppet Participants,

Wow - THANK YOU! It is truly incredible to see the amount of stoke and smiles on the cross-country ski trails over the last two weekends!! A huge congratulations to those who kept to their Loppet tradition, to those who braved their first Loppet and to all who came out to ski. Whether with family, friend or solo, the Loppet volunteers feel grateful for each and every one of you being part of the Loppet!

A huge THANK YOU goes out to our event supporters: Parks Canada, Baker Creek Chalets, Castle Mountain Chalets and the dedicated dream team: the Loppet volunteer grooming crew! The volunteers worked diligently to make sure there were skinny tracks and marked trails to follow.

Corona Challenge Winners

Corona Queens: Olivia Bouffard-Nesbitt and Katie Weaver completed the 72km course on Monday, January 25. These two ladies typically compete and represent the best in the country. They worked together and pushed one another to come in with a tie at 5hr4min58sec (total time elapsed, breaks included). Incredible showing of endurance, strength and teamwork!

Corona King: Jon Arne Enevoldsen completed the 72km course on January 23, in frigid temperatures beginning on Lake Louise in -25. With a time of 4hrs29mins (total time elapsed, breaks included). Apparently the cold didn’t affect him too much!

Corona Team: Milaine Thériault, Jon Amundson and Xavier McKeever completed the 72km course on January 23 in a time of 4hr33min43sec. No strangers to the ski trails, this gritty and talented team braved frigid temperatures in authentic Loppet fashion!

Congratulations to all category participants. Regardless of your recorded time, you showed up and that’s the hardest part!

Costume Category Winner

The Queen of Hearts - Susan Calder! A longtime volunteer and Loppet supporter, this costume required commitment. She skied 50km with a deck of cards around her neck! Stop by Wild Life Distillery for your case of Coronas. The jury wishes to acknowledge the effort made by all costume category participants! It was not an easy choice given the quality submissions.

Congratulations to ALL participants! No really, this cross-country skiing thing is no easy feat. The virtual challenge format meant we didn’t need to cap participants at 200 as is typically done. With 289 participants, it was a record-setting year! We are also super excited to announce that YOU raised over $900 for Spirit North!! Your generosity will go directly back into the cross-country ski community and empower Indigenous youth through sport and play. That’s good that keeps on giving.

Drum roll please… below are the draw prize winners! Please visit Wild Life Distillery in Canmore (located 105 Bow Meadows Crescent in Elk Run Industrial), open Thursday to Sunday, 1-6pm. If pickup is not possible, your loss. Just kidding, email info@loppet.ca and we’ll get you sorted ;)

$25 Strides Canmore Gift Certificate (3 individuals available)

- Beth Woolley

- Eric McAvity

- John Groeneveld

Wild Life Distillery G&T Kit (Wild Life Gin, tonic syrup and ball cap)

- Laurie Belik

Wild Life Distillery Mule Kit (Wild Life Vodka, mule syrup and ball cap)

- Paul Grover

One night’s stay in Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Lakeview Room with Complimentary Breakfast for 2:

- Cheryl Walker

Also, if you have yet to pickup your Buff, visit Wild Life Distillery. If you are unable to pickup and have yet to contact info@loppet.ca for mailing option, please get in touch!

Once again, thank you for being part of the Loppet Tradition. Aside from the section of trail from Lake Louise Campground to Morant’s Curve, trail sections will continue to be maintained and there’s never a better time to enjoy what the Rockies have to offer.

Until next year,

The Loppet Volunteers

January 29, 2021

The first 250 limited souvenir Buffs are spoken for! As of end-of-day Thursday, January 28th, new registrants will pay $15/entry and will not receive a Buff. New registrants WILL, however, still be entered into the draw prizes and as eligible category participants.

Thank you for the incredible Loppet support!

Note: LOST PAIR OF SHOES. Blue shoes last seen at the Baker Creek parking lot. If you’ve seen such a pair, please contact janewhitney@telus.net

The original watercolour piece by Emily Beaudoin of Pilot Mountain featured on this year’s Loppet Buff was inspired by the views along the Loppet course.

The original watercolour piece by Emily Beaudoin of Pilot Mountain featured on this year’s Loppet Buff was inspired by the views along the Loppet course.

January 28, 2021

The typical dry spell and cold January weather in the Rockies bodes well for a Virtual Challenge. Although there is a skiff of snow in the forecast, the tracks remain in good and stable condition thanks to the dedicated efforts of Parks Canada, Baker Creek and Castle Junction staff as well as our tireless Loppet volunteers! The Loppet course section from Baker Creek to Lake Louise was groomed on Wednesday (the 27th); this is the final time this year that the section to the Lake Louise campground will be prepared.

THIS JUST IN: Wild Life Distillery is donating a 2 draw prize items! These will include award-winning Alberta craft distilled gin, vodka, tonic and/or mule syrup for the ideal post-Loppet cocktail. Find out more about the products and the local Bow Valley entrepreneur story on their website or on Instagram @wldspirits. As well, Strides Canmore has donated 3, $25 gift certificates to the draw prize! They just received shipment of new cross-country skin skis (these are revolutionizing classic skiing) to add to their extensive retail selection of running shoes and outdoor exercise clothing.

If you haven’t already, please pickup your custom Emily Beaudoin souvenir Buff at either Castle Junction corner store (open 7 days a week, 9am-5pm) or Wild Life Distillery located in Elk Run Industrial in Canmore (open Thurs-Sat, 1pm-6pm). If you are unable to collect a Buff from these locations, contact info@loppet.ca and we can discuss delivery options.

Happy trails,

Loppet Volunteers

Two bright orange flags on Lake Louise mark the start line.

Two bright orange flags on Lake Louise mark the start line.

January 24, 2021

Wow! Congratulations to all who braved the frigid temperatures (minus 29 on Lake Louise at 8:30am on Saturday!). We had many happy faces on the trail.

A few housekeeping items: As of Monday afternoon, your souvenir BUFF will be available for pickup at the Castle Junction corner store while you stock up on snacks. They are open 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week. As of Thursday (27th), you can pickup your BUFF at Wild Life Distillery in Canmore located in Elk Run Industrial. They are open Thursday-Sunday, 1pm-6pm. Treat yourself to a To-Go cocktail while you’re at it! We recommend the Negroni or Chameleon :)

For those of you who have completed the race, RIGHT ON! SO great to see you out there. For those yet to dawn the skinny skis, the course is in great condition! Keep in mind, the Morant’s Curve section of ~300m is not passable with skis this year. Please walk or run this section.

Take care,

Loppet Volunteer crew

The flagging representing the finish or turn around point at Castle Junction

The flagging representing the finish or turn around point at Castle Junction

 January 22, 2021

Hello! We are putting the final touches on the course to be open for the virtual challenge tomorrow! The hard work of the Loppet volunteers, Castle Mountain Chalet and Baker Creek staff have made this year’s virtual edition a reality. Thank you!

As always, this is a semi-wilderness race. Meaning: prepare for the weather, conditions and the wildlife you may encounter. Parks Canada recommends skiing with bear spray and reporting concerning wildlife encounters to Banff dispatch - (403) 762-1470. Keep in mind, there is spotty cell service for most of the Loppet. The course is marked with bright orange Loppet flagging.

To note: if you encounter a recreational skier, please use your discretion. The trails will remain open to the public. Cross-country ski trail etiquette is to yield to the faster skier. Use your voice to give others notice!

Once you’ve completed the course, upload your times and photos on Zone4.ca here

We want to know how it was! To be featured on this page, send your experiences on the trails and any photos to info@loppet.ca

Happy trails,

The Loppet Volunteer crew